
Saturday, May 7, 2011

I'm curious, have any of you ever tried to talk cars with your mom? And what was the result? When I was little, I suppose my parents thought it was cute and I'd imagine they were glad I was into something boyish, especially if for whatever reason they were concerned I would grow up effeminate.

However, if I mention anything remotely car related to my mom now, even it it's only for a second, I would likely be responded by sighs each more exasperated than the next... which brings me to this bit.

Those that have grown to know Clarkson understand that this is not a fault, it's merely a part of the package.

Happy Mother's Day!

The bumper lights under the headlights were cut from a caddy and painted and used for the headlights on this car

And the tail lights were cut from the below grill lights

Read all about it here

A lot of magazine coverage that it's been the focus of

The Rod and Kustom magazine that put this car on the cover, is online here:

Google has scanned some of these volumes by the American Technical Society, and you can flip through one online (maybe more if you search around)

I posted Vic Sr's tool bench and tool box seperately:

The panel truck on the back is fantastic, great compliment to the hauler.
 for how it looked in 2010 with a pick up on the back.

This old Dodge Brothers truck was a patrol, the electric car below? I bet strictly publicity event use. What possible emergancy roadside service could it possibly be that your smart cell phone can't do better?


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