Friday, December 11, 2009
It should not be news to anyone that the fastest emerging economies belong to Asia. As such, I'd like to give you the scoop on the choice of offerings available to you from the fastest emerging automakers.
To warm things up, I introduce to you the Chinese companies, HuaTai and BYD. The following are their logos, respectively.Well, on their defense, if one were to mimic the logo of another company in order to ride on their success, they've done a good job. Notice what HuaTai accomplished-- meshing together the logos of Microsoft Windows and BMW.
And what about car design? They've done their homework on this one.
Here are the works of another Chinese Automaker::
Behold the Geely Marie, South Korean Chassis with Benz C-class image effects.
Alright, enough with that. Car enthusiasts, you have every right to be worked up. Whether it is in the automotive industry, or any other industry at all, China is known for its unabashed piracy and attempt to milk the success of other companies of all their worth. I've been told that there are even fashion police in Italy, if you will, that will confiscate your bag and everything inside it, if that bag is a faux Louis Vuitton. The damage is great. Everyone in Chinatown carries a Louis Vuitton bag. They're sold in Canal St. here in NYC for $35.
As humorous and ridiculous as the Chinese car companies seem right now, I am certain that both BMW and Benz hold resent towards BYD and Geely as LV does for those that imitate their products. On that note, I will end my entry with something for you to think about.
Exactly how are Chinese Automakers able to get away with this?
Please stay tuned for part 2.
-Danny Choy-
Labels: automakers, China, emerging